Women FIFA World Cup 2007

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(German vs Japan?) Germany - Japan in Hangzhou 17.09.07
We know that Germany has a good crew. But we will play and will want our own play at the end three points” are a Coach Hiroshi Ohashi before that all crucial match against woman football Mrs. Germany confidently.

On the two days free from play before the large Showdown in the group of A stood gates shoot in the center of the training. The Japanese do not need anything more urgently than more Kaltschnäutzigkeit before the box. In the match against Argentina those had Asian inside enough chances for a contactor celebration - however a only one miserable ball found the way over the line, and also only in the sequel time. “Each Spielerin, all the same whether Stürmerin or Abwehrspielerin must be, against Germany able to make a gate”, gives Ohashi the march direction.

If with the gates folds, team can be the DFB eleven home to send, is safe it itself. The Germans are player inside larger and faster, but that is to make Ohashis team by tactical discipline and large run readiness. “In addition the place is probably better in Hangzhou than in Shanghai. That benefits our exzellenten passport play.”

If the Japanese should actually win, they there would draw as group winners into the quarter final and presumably on the USA or North Korea would meet. Japan stands before the last match on the second place of the table in the group of A with Germany. However the Japanese have the clearly worse gate relationship. With a Remis against Germany they could be overhauled by England, which meets at the same time on Argentina.

However an undecided hands prince & CO, around the K.O. - To reach round. The DFB selection wants to absolutely win however - exactly like the Japanese -. “We are not a crew, which can play Kapitänin Birgit prince on undecided”, gets straight. “We know, what we can do!” also Bundestrainerin Silvia envy gives itself self-confidently, despite the lean zero-number in the preceding match against England.

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