
Genre: Adventure / Drama / Horror / Mystery / Thriller
Year: 2006
Tagline: Go Home.

download movie / torrent: aXXo

IMDb: 4.4/(6,184 votes)

Rottentomatoes: 3.7

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A vacation turns sour for a group of young backpackers when a bus accident leaves them marooned on a remote Brazilian beach that holds an ominous secret. The group consists of three Americans: brother and sister Alex and Bea, and Amy, Bea's best friend. Pru, an Australian tourist, joins the group as do British tourists Finn and Liam. The group meets a Brazilian teenager, Kiko, and befriends him. Kiko rescues the tourists from a group of furious Brazilians, and leads them to a safe-house deep in the jungle; however...

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